Healthy Eating Made Easy

How to build a healthy salad
Do you skip lunch? I used to do this frequently or I’d grab a snack and eat on the run. Then by mid-afternoon of course I could eat a horse! I feel so much more energised if I’ve had a well balanced lunch and find I don’t snack in the afternoon. Salads are a quick

Don’t Fear Fat
Thank you so much to those who offered feedback and made suggestions for future newsletters. I really want to create a newsletter that is useful and answers those niggling nutrition questions you may have. Please keep the suggestions coming. One request was for a reminder on which oils are inflammatory, so here we go… Unhealthy

Welcome to the first HEALTHY EATING MADE EASY newsletter. I hear so often from clients that they know what to eat, and there’s no shortage of information out there! However, even with the best intentions we often fail to implement this knowledge. My aim is to help you take action, small steps at a time

The health benefits of breakfast
Is breakfast your favourite meal of the day or do you regularly skip it? There’s increasing evidence supporting the impact of breakfast on how you feel each day as well as long term benefits to your health. So how does breakfast impact how we feel each day? When you wake up your blood glucose levels

Do you love chocolate?
I do but now more than ever it is so important not to go crazy on the Easter eggs & chocolate bunnies. I’m sorry to start with a downer but the reality is sugar weakens our immune system. Studies show that our immune system is suppressed for hours after we consume sugar. Good news is I

Coffee good or bad???
What happens when we drink coffee? Caffeine stimulates our sympathetic nervous system, which you may also know as our ‘fight or flight’ state. In this state our adrenal glands release cortisol and adrenaline, which in turn stimulate the release of glucose into the blood stream to provide us with a quick source of energy. This

Hello I’m Wendy
… a qualified nutritionist and caterer. As a nutritionist I advise clients on the food to eat to improve their health. With my cooking expertise I take this one step further and show you how to go about this. I love to share my recipes and cooking tips to nourish your body and make life more enjoyable in the kitchen.
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My Most Popular Articles

My meal-time tips for healthier digestion
No matter how many good foods you eat, supplements you take or work outs you

Do you have trouble digesting dairy?
There are two compounds in dairy that may be causing this, lactose and milk proteins.

Don’t Fear Fat
Thank you so much to those who offered feedback and made suggestions for future newsletters.
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