I think I'm reacting to certain foods but not sure which ones...
When most people think of food allergies, they usually imagine someone eating a peanut and ending up in the emergency room and not being able to breathe. That’s what is called an immediate allergy (also known as an IgE hypersensitivity reaction).
But there is a different type of reaction to foods that is much less dramatic but still causes health issues. It is called a delayed non-IgE hypersensitivity reaction. This reaction is much more common and can include symptoms such as bloating, stomach pain, headaches, cough and a runny nose.
Common food intolerances include gluten, dairy, corn, eggs, soy, nuts, citrus, yeast and night-shades (tomatoes, capsicums, white potatoes and eggplant).
Ways to ascertain which foods you are sensitive to include:
- Guided Elimination Diet
- Food Sensitivity Testing
Case Study: FODMAP David Short
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I've recently been diagnosed with a food intolerance - what do I do?
Have you been diagnosed with a food allergy or intolerance and advised to remove certain foods from your diet? Not sure how to do this? Concerned you’ll miss out on nutrients and your favourite foods?
I offer nutritional plans designed for your specific food intolerance, such as gluten free, dairy free, Low FODMAP and more. These plans include:
- Meal suggestions
- Quick, easy and delicious recipes
- Tips to reading food labels and ingredients to avoid
- Recommended supermarket products
- Tips for eating out with a food intolerance