There is nothing worse than being unwell when travelling and trying to find a pharmacy in an unfamiliar place, and then express your needs in another language. So I thought I'd share my medical and health essentials that I don't leave home without.
Travel Medical Kit Essentials
If I had to choose one item to travel with it would be this product. Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Boulardii) is a strain of probiotic that relieves symptoms of traveller's diarrhea. I've had such good feedback from clients who have used this product expressing how quickly and effectively it works. It also can be taken as a preventative to strengthen your immune system leading up to your travels.
I've found this supplement effective for speeding up recovery from respiratory infections. It contains a combination of zinc and Vitamin A. The Vitamin A component is important as it maintains and repairs the structural integrity of epithelial cells that line our respiratory tract.
Lavender oil is very calming. You can dab some on your wrists or add a few drops onto your pillow to aid sleep. It's also an antiseptic and promotes healing of wounds. If you have a cut add a drop of lavender oil to the pad of the band aid before you apply.
Peppermint oil is wonderful for relieving aching feet and legs. When travelling the easiest way to use is to add a few drops to your body lotion and apply. It can also be useful for relieving headaches. Add one drop to a moisturiser or facial oil and then rub a small amount on the temples and back of the neck. Make sure to keep away from the eye area.

4. Magnesium Cream
These creams are also very useful to relieve tired legs, a sore neck or aching feet. You can also apply to the soles of the feet before bed to help with sleep. Amazing Oils Magnesium Cream is very handy for travel as it's in roller form. Bioceuticals Ultra Muscleze Cream also has menthol in the formula.
5. Betadine Antiseptic Topical Solution
This product can be applied directly to wounds and comes in a small bottle making it ideal for travel. Make sure to pack bandaids too. I forgot this which caused a small problem when Matt cut a chunk out of his thumb trying to open a beer bottle with a sharp cheese knife!
I also pack nurofen, panadol and prescribed antibiotics in case of a nasty infection.
One last thing I found very useful...
I took some protein bars primarily for the long flight in case I didn't like the food. This proved a godsend not for the flight but whilst travelling as I sometimes struggled to find gluten free food. These were particularly useful at breakfast time and set me up for the day. I would definitely take a bigger stash of protein bars next time.
Please note this is all general advice. If you have a health condition or take medications please seek professional advice before taking any supplements. If you'd like assistance in creating a travel kit for your specific needs I'm here to help.
I hope you found this information helpful.