The key to any health regime is eating whole foods and the key to success is ORGANISATION. There’s no way around it. You need to be organised if you want to stick to your health goals.
The first step is to give your pantry a detox.
- Remove everything from your pantry.
Get rid of anything past its best-before-date. This includes all herbs and spices. There’s no flavour nor nutritional value left in these.
2. Whatever is your biggest weakness throw it out!
Chips, bin! Tim Tams, bin! If it’s not in the cupboard you can’t eat it.
3. Tidy it all up.
Clean the shelves and then give some thought to where you'd like things to go. I put my most frequently used items at eye level. The less used items at the top.
Baskets are very useful for grouping similar items together. Eg I store granola, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and cinnamon all together so it's quick for me to make my breakfast. I recommend baskets that you can see into for speedy retrieval.
I decant most items into glass jars to keep them fresh and easy to see. As much as I covet beautiful storage jars I have so many jars from catering that I simply recycle these. Then all you need is a label maker.
Next step - restock your pantry with nourishing ingredients
This will ensure you always have ingredients on hand to make a healthy meal.
You’ll find my list of pantry essentials here. By no means is this list exhaustive. It’s simply a list of my favourites that I use over and over.
Once you’ve got your pantry stocked you might like to try this granola recipe. I always struggle to find a granola that's not made with inflammatory seed oils and not overly expensive.
This recipe is so quick and easy. You can enjoy with yoghurt and berries.
I hope you've found this blog helpful.
Nutritionist & Caterer
Adv Dip Nut Med ATMS 50532
0403 861 117